.. _installation: ************************************ Installing Your MicroTardis Instance ************************************ This document describes a step by step guide on how to install MicroTardis/MyTardis system. The documentation includes two main parts: the first part describes the installation of MyTardis system and MicroTardis extensions; and the second part is the instructions of deploying MicroTardis within RMIT ITS network. .. _installing_microtardis: Installing MicroTardis ====================== **Please note that these installation instructions were written based on a MyTardis 2.5 installation on RHEL 6 with a root permission.** Step 1: Internet Proxy Settings if Within RMIT Network ------------------------------------------------------ **Please skip this step if your machine isn't hosted within RMIT network.** If you would like to install MicroTardis in a RMIT machine, it's required to have RMIT HTTP/HTTPS proxy settings to access the Internet. #. Copy the following lines into ``/etc/environment`` with root permission to have system-wide proxy settings:: http_proxy=http://bproxy.rmit.edu.au:8080 https_proxy=http://bproxy.rmit.edu.au:8080 #. Save the file and re-login. #. To make sure the setting is there by opening a terminal and issuing the command:: export | grep -i proxy then you should see the proxy settings as what you have just configured. Step 2: Prerequisites --------------------- MicroTardis is currently only supported on RHEL and Ubuntu with SELinux disabled. The following packages are essential to be system-wide installed. #. Redhat:: yum install git gcc gcc-c++ httpd mod_wsgi mysql mysql-server MySQL-python yum install python python-devel python-setuptools libjpeg-devel numpy python-matplotlib yum install cyrus-sasl-ldap cyrus-sasl-devel openldap-devel libxslt libxslt-devel libxslt-python easy_install PIL #. Ubuntu:: apt-get install git gcc libapache2-mod-wsgi mysql mysql-server python-mysqldb apt-get instlal python python-dev python-setuptools python-numpy python-matplotlib apt-get install libpq-dev libssl-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libxslt1.1 libxslt1-dev python-libxslt1 libexiv2-dev easy_install PIL Step 3: Download MyTardis Source Code ------------------------------------- #. Check out MyTardis source code into ``/opt/`` directory:: cd /opt git clone git://github.com/mytardis/mytardis.git If you get an error of **Connection timed out** as shown below:: Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/mytardis/.git/ github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out fatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection timed out) It means that the git port (9418) might be blocked due to a firewall constraint. Please try the following commands to clone GitHub repository over HTTP/HTTPS instead:: cd /opt git config --global http.proxy bproxy.rmit.edu.au:8080 git clone https://github.com/mytardis/mytardis.git It might be slow and recommended to be used if the git port(9418) is blocked. #. Get the **MyTardis 2.5 release branch**:: cd mytardis git tag -l git checkout 2.5.0-rc1 then you will see messages similar to the one below:: Note: checking out '2.5.0-rc1'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b new_branch_name HEAD is now at 9615e03... Merge pull request #64 from shaunokeefe/sync-rebased it means that you have checked out '2.5.0-rc1' branch successfully. Step 4: Download MicroTardis Extensions --------------------------------------- #. To get the current master branch of MicroTardis and install it inside MyTardis folder:: cd /opt/mytardis/tardis git clone https://github.com/mytardis/microtardis.git Please note that it is essential to check out ``microtardis`` source codes into ``/opt/mytardis/tardis`` directory where the ``tardis_portal`` directory is. The tardis_portal directory contains main functions of MyTardis. It is necessary for MicroTardis to live in the same location of it to reuse or override its features. Step 5: Building --------------------------- MicroTardis/MyTardis uses the Buildout Python-based build system to automatically create, assemble and deploy applications or modules required by MicroTardis/MyTardis project. It would automatically download and install the modules and their dependencies inside ``/opt/mytardis`` directory. Please note that this is not a system-wide installation. Buildout uses a Python tool called setuptools internally to install the packages. #. Run the **bootstrap** script to bootstrap a buildout-based project:: cd /opt/mytardis python bootstrap.py #. Run the **buildout** script to download and install Python eggs and all dependencies:: cd /opt/mytardis bin/buildout *This can be run again at any time to check for and download any new dependencies.* Deploying MicroTardis ===================== Step 6: MicroTardis settings.py File ------------------------------------ Configuring MicroTardis/MyTardis is done through a standard Django *settings.py* file. MyTardis comes with a sample configuration file at ``/opt/mytardis/tardis/settings_changeme.py``. In MicroTardis, there is also a settings file called ``/opt/mytardis/tardis/microtardis/settings_microtardis.py`` which is an extension of ``/opt/mytardis/tardis/settings_changeme.py`` that includes support to MicroTardis application. #. To create a settings.py file for your deployment, just copy the file ``/opt/mytardis/tardis/microtardis/settings_microtardis.py`` into the directory where ``settings_changeme.py`` is in:: cp /opt/mytardis/tardis/microtardis/settings_microtardis.py /opt/mytardis/tardis/settings.py #. To configure MicroTardis for interactive use to proceed following parts of configuration, please edit the file ``/opt/mytardis/bin/django`` and replace the following line:: djangorecipe.manage.main('tardis.test_settings') with:: djangorecipe.manage.main('tardis.settings') This means that the ``/opt/mytardis/bin/django`` command will run the interactive configuration rather than the test configuration. And we will use this command later on to manually create database tables or superuser, and so on. Step 7: MicroTardis Database ---------------------------- #. Ensure that the MySQL database has been started:: /etc/init.d/mysqld start #. Configure MySQL to run every time the system starts:: chkconfig mysqld on #. Create a database named **microtardis**:: mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE microtardis" #. Run the following command to configure the database, and create user account and password; don't forget to replace **'microtardisuser'** and **'secret'** with a user name and a password of your choices:: mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON microtardis.* TO 'microtardisuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';" #. Edit the ``/opt/mytardis/tardis/settings.py`` file which you have just created in former step. Please ensure that the values of database parameters in settings.py match the values used to create your MicroTardis database:: DATABASES = {} DATABASES['default'] = {} DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.mysql' DATABASES['default']['HOST'] = 'localhost' DATABASES['default']['PORT'] = '3306' DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'microtardis' DATABASES['default']['USER'] = 'microtardisuser' DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = 'secret' This is the minimum set of changes required to successfully run the server. You can make any other site-specific changes in ``/opt/mytardis/tardis/settings.py`` as necessary. #. (OPTIONAL) For the purpose of database maintenance, you might need to have root access to MySQL database. If you have root access, run the following command to ensure that the MySQL instance has a root password; don't forget to replace the word *'rootsecret'* with a password of yours:: mysqladmin password rootsecret If you need to reset MySQL root password, then run the following command to reset the password of your choice:: mysqladmin -u root -pcurrentpassword password 'newpassword' Please note that there is no space between **-p** and **currentpassword**. Or you can also change MySQL root password from MySQL prompt using UPDATE SQL command:: mysql> UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('newpassword') WHERE user='root'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql> EXIT; Once you've changed it, make sure you can login with your new password successfully. And now kill your running MySQL deamon, then restart it normally. #. Rename ``/opt/mytardis/tardis/tardis_portal/fixtures/initial_data.json`` to ignore importing synchrotron-specific metadata schema:: cd /opt/mytardis/tardis/tardis_portal/fixtures/ mv initial_data.json initial_data.json.ignored The synchrotron-specific metadata schema is part of default schema in MyTardis 2.5 release branch. However MicroTardis doesn't use it for microscopy metadata data. #. Run the following command to setup the database tables in the MySQL database:: cd /opt/mytardis bin/django syncdb --noinput --migrate If you encountered an error looks like:: _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1170, "BLOB/TEXT column 'string_value' used in key specification without a key length") Please ignore it for the moment. It's a bug in MyTardis, and hopefuly they will fix it soon in next version of MyTardis. If you would like to know what the actual cause of this error is, please refer to `MERROR 1170 (42000) `_ for more details. Step 8: MicroTardis Administrator --------------------------------- 1. Create an administrator account:: cd /opt/mytardis bin/django createsuperuser Please keep your user name and password. You will need them to sign in MicroTardis administrator web interface. Step 9: Static Files -------------------- For performance reasons you should avoid static files being served via the application, and instead serve them directly through the webserver. #. To collect all the static files to a single directory:: cd /opt/mytardis bin/django collectstatic Step 10: MicroTardis Staging Area and Store ------------------------------------------- In MyTardis/MicroTardis, **staging area** is an intermediate data storage area between the sources of raw data and the MyTardis/MicroTardis **data store**. It is used for gathering data from different sources that will be ready to ingest into MyTardis/MicroTardis data store at different times. #. Setup MicroTardis staging area and data store The default location of staging area or data store is in ``mytardis/var``. If you have followed the installation instructions above, you should be able to see them:: ls -dl /opt/mytardis/var/staging ls -dl /opt/mytardis/var/store You might have noticed that both of them are empty directories. In MicroTardis, data store is a file storage to keep ingested files with its specific file directory structure. In this part you are not expected to change or modify any data in MicroTardis data store including files and directories. However, you are required to manually create a **staging structure** in MicroTardis staging area. Again, it needs a specific folder structure inside staging to enable data ingestion from staging area into data store and metadata extraction using predefined microcope-specific data filters. Please follow the short instructions below to create the staging area structure for your deployment. a. The first thing to do is to create **user folders** inside your staging area:: cd /opt/mytardis/var/staging mkdir your_username You can use the administrator account that you've just created. b. Then create **microscope folders** inside user folders with any name of microscope which is currently supported in MicroTardis: XL30, NovaNanoSEM, and Quanta200. For example:: cd /opt/mytardis/var/staging/your_username mkdir NovaNanoSEM MicroTardis currently only supports the following microscopes, * Philips XL30 SEM (1999) with Oxford Si(Li) X-ray detector and HKL EDSD system * FEI Nova NanoSEM (2007) with EDAX Si(Li) X-ray detector * FEI Quanta 200 ESEM with EDAX Si(Li) X-ray detector and Gatan Alto Cyro stage #. Copy example files into your microscope folders. Here are some example files for you to download for the purpose of testing, a. XL30 * `XL30.dat <_static/XL30.dat>`_ * `XL30.spt <_static/XL30.spt>`_ * `XL30.tif <_static/XL30.tif>`_ b. NovaNanoSEM * `NovaNanoSEM.spc <_static/NovaNanoSEM.spc>`_ * `NovaNanoSEM.tif <_static/NovaNanoSEM.tif>`_ c. Quanta200 * `Quanta200.spc <_static/Quanta200.spc>`_ * `Quanta200.tif <_static/Quanta200.tif>`_ Download them into microscope folders according to different microscopes. Then you will be able to see the folders/files you've just created/downloaded on *MicroTardis Create Experiment* web interface later after you successfully start your deployment server. #. (OPTIONAL) Specify directory paths of your own staging area and data store if you would clike to change the locations of them instead of using the default ones. a. Edit your settings.py file, for example:: vi /opt/mytardis/tardis/settings.py b. Find the following lines in the settings.py file:: #STAGING_PATH = '/directory/path/of/your/own/staging' #FILE_STORE_PATH = '/directory/path/of/your/own/store' c. Uncomment the line and specify the real location of your own staging area or data store. #. (OPTIONAL) Set up remote staging area and data store. If you need to use remote or mounted staging/store area, please create symbolic links in ``/opt/mytardis/var`` to replace default staging and store directories. a. Create a symbolic link for ``staging`` area from MicroTardis to the remote storage:: cd /opt/mytardis/var rmdir staging ln -s /mnt/your_remote_staging staging b. Create a symbolic link for data ``store`` from MicroTardis to the remote storage:: cd /opt/mytardis/var rmdir store ln -s /mnt/your_remote_store store #. (OPTIONAL) With respect to automatic data collection on staging area which automatically harvests data from data sources into staging area, please see an example of `RMIT MicroTardis Data Harvest `_ for more details. Step 11: Apache and mod_wsgi ---------------------------- #. Create a symbolic link from MyTardis to standard ``/var/www/html`` structure (makes a fixed path for later changes):: cd /var/www/html chmod o+w /var/www/html sudo -u apache ln -s /opt/mytardis mytardis chmod o-w /var/www/html #. Set up a virtual host for MicroTardis web portal by editing ``/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`` file:: ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mytardis Options +FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all #. Edit ``/etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf`` file:: LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so AddHandler wsgi-script .wsgi Include /var/www/html/mytardis/apache/apache_django_wsgi.conf #. Create ``apache_django_wsgi.conf`` file:: cd /var/www/html/mytardis/apache/ cp apache_django_wsgi.conf_changeme apache_django_wsgi.conf #. Edit the ``apache_django_wsgi.conf`` file as shown below:: Alias /static/ /var/www/html/mytardis/static/ Order deny,allow Allow from all WSGIScriptAlias / "/var/www/html/mytardis/apache/django.wsgi" Allow from all Remember to delete or comment out all the original configuration in ``apache_django_wsgi.conf``:: WSGIScriptAlias / "/Users/steve/django-jython-svn/myTARDIS_checkout/tardis/apache/django.wsgi" Allow from all #. Create ``django.wsgi`` file:: cd /var/www/html/mytardis/apache/ cp django.wsgi_changeme django.wsgi #. Edit the ``django.wsgi`` file with instructions shown below followed by an example of django.wsgi. a. Please copy the value of **sys.path** variable from ``/opt/mytardis/bin/django.wsgi`` file which is a list of full directory paths of modules required by MicroTardis. b. Remember to delete or comment out the following line in your ``django.wsgi`` file:: sys.path.append('/Users/steve/django-jython-svn/myTARDIS_checkout') c. Example:: #!/usr/bin/python import os import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ '/opt/mytardis', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/nose-1.1.2-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/coverage-3.4-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_nose-1.0-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/nosexcover-1.0.7-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/python_ldap-2.4.9-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/python_magic-0.4.0dev-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/python_memcached-1.48-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/pysolr-2.1.0_beta-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/docutils-0.8.1-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/flexmock-0.9.3-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/compare-0.2b-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_jasmine-0.3.2-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/celery-2.5.1-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_celery-2.5.1-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_kombu-0.9.4-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/iso8601-0.1.4-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/html2text-3.200.3-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/pyoai-2.4.4-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/Wand-0.1.9-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/djangorecipe-1.1.2-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/Django-1.3-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/zc.recipe.egg-1.3.2-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/lxml-2.2.7-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_picklefield-0.2.0-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/ordereddict-1.1-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/python_dateutil-1.5-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/kombu-2.1.3-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/anyjson-0.3.1-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/importlib-1.0.2-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/setuptools-0.6c12dev_r88846-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/httplib2-0.7.4-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/pytz-2012b-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/South-0.7.4-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/BeautifulSoup-3.2.1-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_haystack-1.2.6-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_form_utils-0.2.0-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_extensions-0.8-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/django_registration-0.8-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/elementtree-1.2.7_20070827_preview-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/feedparser-5.1.1-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/eggs/amqplib-1.0.2-py2.6.egg', '/opt/mytardis/parts/django', ] os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'tardis.settings' import django.core.handlers.wsgi application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler() Step 12: Permission Settings ---------------------------- MicroTardis is a Python web application. The web server (i.e. Apache) needs to have permissions to access the WSGI script in the directory of MicroTardis, or write log files or data into it. The following commands will give apache user to do this. #. As root, make all file/directories in mytardis as group *apache* with *rx* access permission:: chgrp apache -R /opt/mytardis chmod g+rx -R /opt/mytardis #. Enable apache to write log files into the default directory:: chmod g+w /opt/mytardis #. Set proper file access permission to ``/opt/mytardis/var`` directory to make Apache able to write data in data store:: chmod g+rwx -R /opt/mytardis/var Step 13: SELinux ---------------- #. Disable SELinux protection in RHEL. a. To turn SELinux off immediately, without rebooting use (turning off SELinux temporarily):: setenforce 0 b. Completely turning off SELinux, Edit ``/etc/selinux/config`` (e.g. $sudo vi /etc/selinux/config). Find the line:: SELINUX=enforcing If you simply want to set selinux to *permissive* mode which will still warn you when something would have been denied, change it to:: SELINUX=permissive If you want to completely disable SELinux, change it to:: SELINUX=disabled Save the file, then you will need to reboot your system to create the desired effect. Step 14: Firewall Settings -------------------------- #. Open flle ``/etc/sysconfig/iptables``:: vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables #. Append rules as follows:: -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT #. Save and close the file. #. Restart iptables:: /etc/init.d/iptables restart Step 15: MicroTardis Web Portal ------------------------------- #. Configure Apache to run every time the system starts:: chkconfig httpd on #. Test if Apache service is running:: service httpd status #. Start Apache service, a. Simply start Apache service if it's not running:: service httpd start b. Restart Apache service if it's already running:: service httpd restart #. Check if MicroTardis Web Portal is working fine via browser with URL:: http://your_hostname.domain_name/ For example:: http://microtardis-test.eres.rmit.edu.au/ If everything works fine, then you will be able to see MicroTardis's Welcome web page.