Setting up automatic ingesting at RMMF

In order for MicroTardis to automatically harvest user data from support PCs at RMMF, four things are required:

  1. An Rsync client (DeltaCopy) installed on each of the support PCs. (As of writing - May 2012 - this is done).
  2. Harvest scripts and cron jobs installed on harvest machine. (As of writing, this is, and has been done).
  3. Atom dataset provider installed on harvest machine. (As of writing, this is and has been done).
  4. Atom ingest installed and configured on MicroTardis machine. (As of writing, this has only been done on

1. Installing DeltaCopy

Straightforward. Download, install. It’s free. Make it run as a service all the time. Make a note of the IP address and name of shared folder.

2. Installing harvest scripts

The scripts are simply bash scripts that use rsync to copy files over from the three support PCs. They should be triggered by a cron job:

cd /usr/local
git clone

To configure which individual machines to harvest from and where to store data to, modify the scripts - they are commented.

3. Install atom dataset provider

The Atom dataset provider is a server which, when requested, scans the staging area directories and provides a list of the most recent files as an Atom feed, so they can be ingested into Tardis.

Get the source code here:

It is installed on the Harvest machine in /usr/local/microtardis/atom-dataset-provider.

Use this script to start it:

# /usr/local/microtardis/atom-dataset-provider/
bash -x ./
set -x
EXCLUDEPATTERN='[Tt]humbs.db|e80940/.*/Old\ Data/'
nohup `pwd`/bin/atom-dataset-provider -d "$STAGING"  --group-pattern "$GROUPPATTERN" --exclude-pattern "$EXCLUDEPATTERN" >> $LOG &

The variables GROUPPATTERN, PATTERN and EXCLUDEPATTERN are regular expressions which define which files and folders are included on the atom feed, and how folders are grouped as datasets.

By default, it runs on port 4000. On the datapuller machine, Apache must be configured to forward “” to local port 4000.

4. Install atom ingest

Two scripts described here ( and require sudo privileges. It is probably possible to find an alternative way to install that doesn’t require sudo.

Atom ingest is a Django “app” that is installed inside MyTardis. It has no user interface, but runs in the background to periodically poll the Atom dataset provider for data. When new data is found, it creates records in MyTardis, then copies the files over to the Tardis store:

cd /opt/mytardis/tardis/apps
sudo mkdir mytardis-app-atom
sudo chown <youruser> mytardis-app-atom

Get the source code. Currently this is in my (Steve Bennett’s) GitHub repository, but this may change:

git clone

The code needs to be visible to the Apache user:

sudo chmod g+r -R mytardis-app-atom

Module names with hyphens cause problems for Python, so we rename it:

mv mytardis-app-atom atom

The Atom ingest app can be configured with many different policies for user creation, experiment creation etc. Edit the file atom/ These are the settings we currently use:

class IngestOptions:

    # Names of parameters, must match fixture entries.
    # Some are also used for <category> processing in the feed itself.
    PARAM_ENTRY_ID = 'EntryID'
    PARAM_EXPERIMENT_ID = 'ExperimentID'
    PARAM_UPDATED = 'Updated'
    PARAM_EXPERIMENT_TITLE = 'ExperimentTitle'

    ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_CREATION = True         # Should we create new experiments
    ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_TITLE_MATCHING = True   # If there's no id, is the title enough to match on
    ALLOW_UNIDENTIFIED_EXPERIMENT = False    # If there's no title/id, should we process it as "uncategorized"?
    ALLOW_UNNAMED_DATASETS = True            # If a dataset has no title, should we ingest it with a default name
    DEFAULT_UNNAMED_DATASET_TITLE = '(assorted files)'
    ALLOW_USER_CREATION = False              # If experiments belong to unknown users, create them?
    # Can existing datasets be updated? If not, we ignore updates. To cause a new dataset to be created, the incoming
    # feed must have a unique EntryID for the dataset (eg, hash of its contents).
    # If a datafile is modified, do we re-harvest it (creating two copies)? Else, we ignore the update. False is not recommended.
    # If files are served as /user/instrument/experiment/dataset/datafile.tif
    # then 'datafile.tif' is at depth 5. This is so we can maintain directory structure that
    # is significant within a dataset. Set to -1 to assume the deepest directory.

    DATAFILE_DIRECTORY_DEPTH = 7 # /mnt/rmmf_staging/e123/NovaNanoSEM/exp1/ds1/test3.tif

    # Yes, we want to extract metadata from ingested files.

    # If we can transfer files "locally" (ie, via SMB mount), then replace URL_BASE_TO_REPLACE with LOCAL_SOURCE_PATH
    # to construct a file path that can be copied from.
    LOCAL_SOURCE_PATH = "/mnt/rmmf_staging/"

    # Should we always examine every dataset entry in the feed, even after encountering "old" entries?

    HTTP_PROXY = ""

It is likely these will need to be changed as requirements change. In particular, ALLOW_EXPERIMENT_CREATION may need to be turned off - it is useful for importing large amounts of data initially.

Next, configure the CeleryD tasks that fire the auto ingest. CeleryD is a scheduling mechanism used by MyTardis.

If the file atom/ doesn’t exist, create it. Make its contents as follows:

# Settings to ensure atom ingest is triggered by celery.
import djcelery
from datetime import timedelta

  # Every minute, check for new datasets.
  "update-feeds": {
      "task": "atom_ingest.walk_feed",
      "schedule": timedelta(seconds=60),
      "args": ('',)
  # Less frequently, do a full harvest to see if we have missed anything.
  "update-feeds-full": {
      "task": "atom_ingest.walk_feed",
      "schedule": timedelta(seconds=900),
      "args": ('', True)

# Multiple concurrent tasks makes logs complicated and doesn't improve performance.

Now, install the app into MyTardis. In /opt/mytardis/tardis/, find the line "INSTALLED_APPS = ("tardis.microtardis",) + INSTALLED_APPS". Add two lines as follows:

INSTALLED_APPS = ("tardis.microtardis",) + INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = ("tardis.apps.atom",) + INSTALLED_APPS
from tardis.apps.atom.settings_atom import *

Note the “tardis.apps.atom” name matches the directory structure: tardis/apps/atom.

The app is now installed, but CeleryD is not running. Create this script in /opt/mytardis/tardis/

#!/bin/bash -x
if [ `whoami` != root ]; then
    echo This script needs to be run as sudo.
sudo -u apache bash -c "nohup `pwd`/bin/django celeryd --beat --purge --loglevel=INFO >> $LOG &"

To be able to stop the app, create this script in /opt/mytardis/tardis/

#!/bin/bash -x
ps ax | grep "[c]eleryd" | awk {'print $1}' | xargs kill -9

And of course:

chmod a+x

To start the autoingest:

./ ; tail -f autoingest.log


If you get errors of this type:

File "/opt/mytardis/tardis/apps/atom/", line 16, in <module>
  from tardis.tardis_portal.util import get_local_time, get_utc_time, get_local_time_naive
ImportError: cannot import name get_local_time_naive

You need to install some bug fixes to the MyTardis code:

$ cd /opt/mytardis/tardis
$ git remote add steve
$ git fetch steve

(If a password is requested, press enter.):

$ git merge steve/atom-ingest-fixes

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